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The Summation Reboot 118

The Summation Reboot 118

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 7 The Culture of Hatred: Scapegoating and Demonization and their role in Hates continuation


The Summation

Our culture of Hatred continues via various vehicles. Advances based on numerous circumstances and entrenchments expands on the basis of a continual interaction within groups designed to purposefully promote and continue its existence.

Those who benefit from its continuation, whether physically, financially, spiritually or viscerally, make premeditated or accidental efforts to maintain their world's source of Hatreds empowerment of themselves and others like them.

They have spent many hours, not only reveling in the petty spite they have immersed themselves in, but have studied and examined the sources and tactics that produce their evil joys. In so doing they have identified and outlined those factors which provide for their happiness, and developed a system of quasi-logical explanation for the certainty of their pure source of superiority and disdain for those not to be included in their favored class.

Their influence and widespread membership has and does control vast portions, if not the majority of societies thought, belief and to some degree (greater in the past) science. As such empirical research has been funded and performed to allow for and support their sacred beliefs of meaningful differences in races and support their theories of the superiority of one over another or others. Such is the case with their nature/biology paradigm.

Those who are dependent on their belief in their own superiority, make the greatest use of a systematic approach to the realities of differences between one identity group and another. One such description of these factors is known as the nature/biology paradigm. The collection of facts and details depends heavily on actual observable differences between races. Differences in melanin levels, average body fat, muscle mass etc., provide the fuel for a mechanism that helps these racists feel justification for their mindset's. Though the sources of their facts are legitimate, their interpretation and extrapolation of its true or possible meanings, results in continued injustices and inequities for those being subjected to their prejudices.

Armed with information that in any way supports their beliefs, allows them to completely dismiss the injustices they might be aware of. In those cases where they cannot deny the legitimacy of claims of discrimination and inequality, they are free to absolve whoever is accused of perpetrating said crimes, and assume an attitude that justifies the acts perpetrated against the oppressed, as being deserved and cosmic justice.

They feel no need to investigate or verify whether any claim of the inequities are proof of claims made by those being subjected to prejudice. They could simply allow their Hatred, or at least their disdain for the group, to bias their belief or awareness of any injustices they claim to be occurring. This mindset empowers a large part of the population who have deep-seated prejudices, some of which we have been established for a large portion of the total overall population. This allows for an ongoing and continuing attitude of Hateful apathy for the suffering of other humans. It precludes any level of empathy they should be able to or might be able to feel for those as members of the human race, and brothers and sisters of the human family.

Because of this basic justification for a feeling of superiority and underlying influence to Hate, those immersed in a world of struggle, frustration, aggravation, legitimate threat's, offenses and atrocities, coupled with those perceived to exist whether they do or do not; causes the culture of Hatred to flourish and dominate all of human existence. We as members of the human race trapped in this swirling bubbling cauldron of Hate called everyday life, the rat race, the daily grind: with its accompanying struggle to survive, are seemingly trapped in this existence.

However, the truth is, freedom from the control of many of these factors is at our disposal every day. We each can rectify many of these factors simply by changing our own outlook. Additionally, we can help others to do so by providing the example of our own awareness thereby helping to raise that awareness in others. Even though, the forces that affect and influence us externally are not easily controlled, our own inner faith and hope for Love can be planted in our society and spread to others. The first step begins with us. We must want better for ourselves, and we can work on fixing ourselves much easier than fixing others

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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