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Character Conditioned Hatred Reboot 111

Character Conditioned Hatred Reboot 111

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 7 The Culture of Hatred: Scapegoating and Demonization and their role in Hates Continuation

Culture of Hatred

Character Conditioned Hatred

Yes, we have covered this before, and we must again, so settle in for another trip down this road.

The real problem that we must concern ourselves with, outside of reducing violent acts of Hatred, that spread Hate though perhaps justifiably as we just discussed, is character conditioned Hatred. As Fromme pointed out, this condition exists where those who are affected by it, carry around in their personality and psyche, a readiness to Hate at any given excuse. Its an ability to be exposed to a multitude of potential stimuli, and develop and project a form of ready-made Hatred, they have waiting to be displayed: a sort of free-floating Hatred, the subjective counterpart to their free-floating aggression. Its basis has little to do with reality, it does not have to be the product of any real event or actual affront encountered at that particular instance. It is standing by and ready for an opportunity to lash out, but does not result from whatever triggers it. It is indiscriminate in that it is rarely ever actually about what has triggered it.

Instead, it is the product of an accumulation of past frustrations and miscued opportunities that build upon one another and fuse into this ticking time bomb of Hatred: ready to explode at any time and for any reason.

The demeanor of the carrier of it is agitated, on edge, short tempered and constantly and willingly looking for a target onto which they can vent this pent-up anger and frustration. There is an absolute impending need to release this Hate-filled anger on some target they find deserving, and qualification to deserve it is pretty easily attained. What's important for us to remember about these characters and their free-floating Hatred is, that they may have no idea what the true causes of it are. They in all their rage and anger may have never put together that their accumulated frustrations are what drive their anger. Nor may they be able to recognize that those instances or excuses to trigger their outbursts are not really at all the true cause of those outbursts.

Regardless of their unawareness of the real reason for their Hate, they manage to locate a deserving target, as well as some justifiable reason for displaying it. Specificity is not necessarily required and vagueness of reasoning is not in any way the cause for shame. In all their displays and actions the most simplistic of reasons are fully acceptable to them. They feel no need to justify their outbursts, with detailed reasons, to do so might diminish their ability to justify them, and cause them to discover the true causes of their Hatred.

People such as these are numerous and must be led to discover their true source of anger. Etiam Tu will need a very dominant position in society to be able to deal with these large numbers of aggravated souls.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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