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FROM Frustration and Envy Reboot 92

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 6

Hatreds: Other Forms and Considerations, and Prophetic Universalism


Frustration and Envy

For our culture, the belief that the world for the most part operates in accordance with these principles of equality, is an essential part of what helps us to keep our personal share of the world together. We are dependent on the standard to help us, with self-government and accept the rules, regulations and procedures that we are required to conform to. This acceptance serves to guide us in our day-to-day lives to exist, coexist and cohabitate the same spaces with our share of equality, as well as respect for the rights of others to share in that same equality.

Proof of the overall acceptance and application of these standards in the lives of each of us is that even when children are not yet officially indoctrinated to this belief, those young children, in early stages of socialization and ability to even speak clearly when first encountering an injustice or inequity, will express the default response to such circumstances in a declaration of "that's not fair".

I must reiterate the significance of the child's pronouncement of the state of inequity. Instead of a comfortable acknowledgment of one's familiarity and, therefore, acceptance of hearing such from a child; I must point out that due to our cultures tolerance of children's honesty and childish behavior we can quite often attain an accurate and succinct assessment of the conditions of our current real-time existence, whether we want it or not. The significance being that our child's unrestrained pronouncement of the inequity gives us, not only an accurate depiction of conditions, but also of their development of, and exposure to a set of moral and ethical dictates, that served to establish within the child the meaning of right and wrong, unfair and just and moral and immoral.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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