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Our responses and reactions are never caused by a simple stimulus-response mechanism Reboot 80

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 5 a Pause to Consider and Reflect (contributions of Freud, Epictetus, etc. applied to Eradicating Hatred and Etiam Tu) Study of Freudian Contributions

3. Self - Regard, Knowledge, Observation, Criticism Part 2

“We are not as insightful or self knowing as we pretend.”

2.) Our responses and reactions are never caused by a simple stimulus-response mechanism, all behavior is complex resulting from numerous forces and counter forces at any given moment, resulting from motives that are conscious and unconscious; based on influences from the past or present.

All activity, actions, reactions, planning, observation, inquiring, responses, assessment, interaction, communication, etc. is complex. Repetition, habits, redundancies, training, practice, etc. may in some fashion instill in us a sense of ease of operation, a feeling of mastery of a science or discipline, a belief in or confidence in our understanding, knowledge or belief, but, all issues in existence on this planet in our world, in our realm of understanding and conscious awareness of reality are intricate and complex. The sense of ease or simplicity that may be felt about any particular issue is testament to our growth and progress as a society and species, in that we have advanced to the point of simplifying the solution for or resolution to that task or problem. The advancements made by mankind towards accomplishment of what may now be viewed as simple problems have in many cases blinded us to the real level of effort required to actually accomplish the task.

For example consider the process of inflating a bicycle tire.

Currently for our children this is simply a task of connecting and nozzle to stand at a free or paid air pumping station generally available at all gas stations. 20 or 30 years ago gas stations were less plentiful. Only full Service stations may have had a compressor and hose to achieve this. You may have been required to get permission to use it. Though this example is simplistic, it is broadly applicable to everything. Another more specific example to consider, quickly in 30 seconds or fewer give me the square root of 841. For most people, a calculator is available to perform this calculation, however, if these were not available how long would it take for you to come up with the answer using your own wits and pencil and paper.

On an even simpler level, the ability of the human being to pick their nose with their eyes closed or walking through their own houses in the dark or any multitude of endless examples of simple, easy regular activities are all complex. In our current times with all our sophistication, there are conditions such as, and like, sleep apnea where one might forget to breathe; it must be stated irrefutably that there are no simple actions and that a level of complexity, no matter how common or greatly mastered is present in every level of existence.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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