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“We are not as insightful or self knowing as we pretend.” Reboot 79

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 5 a Pause to Consider and Reflect (contributions of Freud, Epictetus, etc. applied to

Eradicating Hatred and Etiam Tu)

Study of Freudian Contributions

3. Self - Regard, Knowledge, Observation, Criticism “We are not as insightful or self knowing as we pretend.”

Until a certain level of maturity is reached, most human beings will not bother to or have bothered to introspectively examine life, their own lives and the lives of others, as it relates to the others perspective on them.

Freud's model of development of the mental apparatus or personality points to an early nature of narcissism within each person in early childhood. Etiam Tu asserts that most individuals, though required by socialization, to adapt themselves to function within a group or social order, generally fail to complete the task of developing fully. The position Etiam Tu adopts is that, until some force, event, or circumstance motivates the individual to take an account of their personality, from a perspective other than their own self-centered desires and concerns, that nearly every person is unable to perceive reality free of their own personal biases.

1.) In our western/capitalistic society and perhaps in others of differing views, we are taught that it is important to have a high opinion of oneself or self image. Self-esteem is believed to be of vital importance to the individual, in order to enjoy life and successfully pursue happiness. While there is a good deal of merit to these positions, we as humans like every other issue, latch onto a valid issue and over inflate its importance or applicability. In most of humanity, happiness or the perception of what happiness is, or how it is attained is generally linked to possessions and acquisition of desired objects and circumstances. These acquisitions, though often motivated by deliberate desire for measurable icons of success are in many cases just as likely or more likely driven by instinctual motives. If learned behaviors can be transmitted via common sense or conventional wisdom or are taught as a result of observation or direct instruction during formative years, we all managed to develop an underlying cathexis to achieve our goals, to compete for primacy or supremacy in available arenas, to achieve and amass a cache' of the possessions and awards for our successful efforts. During this developmental stage we learned to equate these successes with happiness, due to inborn narcissism, high self regard or self-esteem. The measure of our self worth for many people continues to be dictated by comparing, with others, their successes in the field of material acquisition or possession of the most highly coveted sex partner, as reasons to feel good about who they are and how good they are at accomplishing their desired goals.

In childhood until we learn otherwise, we are masters of our own world. That which we desire, we take with a sense of entitlement. That which we think, we invent: as our knowledge and understanding of reality is without question correct. We know all, what we feel we have learned through our experiences is a fact and correct. Our perception of reality is reality, (a condition that persists in some degree forever). These feelings are associated with the original Narcissism, and in it we are the object of our libido, both Love related and life force related. According to Freud these positions and memories continue within us, we all have these feelings about ourselves buried deep within our psyche. In many cases, however, these feelings are not buried that deeply and their influence on our behavior results in what is often referred to as "shallowness." (The relationship of the contrast in these two terms buried and shallowness is purely coincidental)

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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