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Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 3 Anger, Rage, Outrage and Blood-lust: and their relationship w


Outrage is defined by contemporary current real-time sources as:

1.) An extremely violent or vicious attack or an atrocity, 2.) An offensive, immoral or indecent act, 3.) The resentful anger caused by such acts as 1 and 2.

Rage differs from Hate in those instances where there is no paranoid shift and/or no passionate attachment present. Even though there may be violent activity present to point out its insanity, and its basis in madness, that does not provide an undeniable link to or connection to Hatred. However, violent acts taken, as a result of Hatred, do often involve Rage and the two are obviously linked in those circumstances. Then the basic rule of thumb is that being involved in a violent act upon a victim is evidence of Hate. An investigation into the motivations is functionally moot as the damage is done and motivation even if nuanced does not affect any lessening of the degree of damage done by the act. Further insight into the significance of Hates presence or absence in a violent episode will be considered in more detail later.

Now in considering intent of actions the progression of Hate and anger to violence must proceed to the next logical categorization of anger which is outrage.

For our purposes, we will consider the following as the most accurate description and definition of Outrage: the overpowering desire to inflict physical damage on a deserving target with great ferocity and physical release of Hate-filled tension.

Our study of this state of anger +/- Hate and its progression to violence brings us now to Outrage. A condition as defined that results from an angry party becoming enraged about an issue (of which a variety of types would apply) that is so far beyond the level of acceptability and the capacity for tolerance of the angered party, that the recognition and awareness of the circumstance or situation infuriates the individual to a state of indignant rage. To a point where they absolutely cannot at that moment in the anger cycle, in any way control their desires to commit acts of violence and destruction upon the offending party. This destruction can also extend to any object in the vicinity regardless of whether it's involved in the issue or merely innocently in the proximity of the angered parties release of the violent forces and seething, blustery damaging if not psychically destructive reactions.

Outrage is the product of unacceptable circumstances colliding with a strictly perceived idea of right and wrong. These people who can not and will not accept compromise of their principles to allow for any disrespect, disreputable, sacrilegious, racist, chauvinist, unpatriotic, wasteful, prejudicial, bigoted, biased, repugnant, reprehensible, greedy, slanderous, philanderous or, etc. actions, that may be or are offensive to their desired circumstances, will respond in an enraged manner. To fail to understand the level of danger and threat this presents to the peace, safety and tranquility we would all find desirable in our current real-time existence, is to be naive or ignorant to the extent this dangerous emotion imperils all of humanity.

With the whole of the species' subject to respond negatively in a primal manner, to negative stimuli, producing the anger and rage designed to ward off and destroy enemies and threats to our survival, and respond to those objects or forces disrupting the serenity of our contentment with the existence we may have acquired or structured for ourselves; the failure to realize the extent to which each member of the species is susceptible to developing rage and outrage from such sources is either the result of blissful ignorance or a lack of understanding of human nature.

Mankind, as sentient beings, with superstitious tendencies, and curiosity of the unknown is in a constant state of impending rage. The ease with which any one person can be offended and the vast variety of interests that anyone may become dedicated to, places the whole of humanity in the midst of an active minefield of potentially violent and destructive killing machines. When one considers the preeminent position the idea or fact of death and killing holds in our carnal existence, the fact must be recognized and addressed that we are all endangered by our failure (thus far) to address and eradicate these emotional/spiritual/intellectual threats to our continued peaceful coexistence.

Only the full and complete reorganization of our existence and approach to it can successfully diffuse the multitudes of potential destructive landmines, that are our psyches. The fact that the simple displeasure with an external or internal reality can produce violence, destruction and mayhem in the forms of rage or outrage, has not been overcome by societal evolution and personal growth, provides evidence to the pitiful level of success we have enjoyed in our so-called development of our civilizations.

If man is to continue here or elsewhere in perpetuity, the major concerted effort of establishing Etiam Tu as the dominant philosophy that guides our societies, must be earnestly undertaken and successfully accomplished. Failure to do so will only leave man to continue down his path to inevitable total annihilation and extinction.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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