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-Cide the Killing Suffix Reboot 57 Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 3 Anger, Rage, Outr

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 3 Anger, Rage, Outrage and Blood-lust: and their relationship with Violence and -Cides

-Cide the Killing Suffix

Anger and violence with or without Hatred, many times ultimately results in a loss of life. More specifically and tragically is the fact that a life is taken.

By our current contextual definition of Hatred, violence, is most likely caused by Hatred, and Hatred is a mental illness. In this context it stands to reason that when one kills it is usually because of and inspired by Hateful or Hate filled violence, because to commit an act of violence that heinous one must be mentally, emotionally or intellectually unstable, or that moral beliefs or motivations leading to violence are symptoms of that mental illness.

Violence generated by anger is common. It is very likely that the violent actor is so passionately overwhelmed by the feeling of Hatred that has developed, that the act or acts are based in a Hate filled desire to destroy, or injure a party they can no longer calmly or civilly abide. They justify to themselves, even if very quickly, that this person or persons are responsible for an intolerable circumstance that they or others must endure, and as such are deserving of whatever physically aggressive action that is taken against them. Such feelings can fester and multiply to the point of tragedy. Passionate motivations can lead to the death of the victim; as attackers have no sense of need for restraint, nor desire for a sense or exercise of restraint by the time they have taken their aggressive actions.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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