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The Handmaiden of the Government Part 2 Reboot 48 Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 2

The achievement of control, it's maintenance and its dictation of proper behavior creates the status quo within that community of people called civilization. A condition as close to homeostasis as the wealthy and/or ruling class allow to exist. ....

With the diversity in earning potential and material wealth/lifestyle accumulation, comes many evils. While one class is able to enjoy the finer things another class has to make do with less, perhaps even much less. Some have to accept less than enough. Without passing judgment or discussing merit or effort in these circumstances but merely examining and assessing everyday examples of these variations; we cannot in any way deny the high probability of dissatisfaction and envy and must recognize the potential for much more hazardous and dangerous conditions resulting in existing and similar ways, in the various locations and proximities, to each class of earner/accumulator.

It is here where Religion especially sanctioned and historically cooperative religions ensure that those who do not share the bounties life can provide, do not take too envious and aggressive attitudes towards others who are benefiting more. ….

Those restless spirits, and the urge to act impulsively to secure their desires whether responsibly or irrationally and potentially illegitimately, are managed and restrained within the realm of religious authority. The ability to convince an individual to restrain themselves from their natural, carnal nature and remain in compliance with established standards for behavior is their speciality. ....

This ability to define reality in terms of right and wrong is where religion uses its influence to continue support from its adherents and for the governing authority by supplying the compliant subdued citizenry needed to advance the government's agenda and maintain the ruling classes fortune and power over the citizenry.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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