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Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 1C Correcting a Good System that often Produces Bad Results fro

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 1C Correcting a Good System that often Produces Bad Results

from Hatred: a Passion

The extreme upwelling of emotion previously used as a description of passion is an accurate portrayal of the symptoms of its presence. Passion is controllable, it is not part of the everyday life of many people but it usually makes some form of appearance from time to time. Hopefully more often than not it is a positive incarnation but occasionally and all too often it is a negative.

In cases where reason is cast aside or overwhelmed by the negative version of this extreme emotion the possessor of the passion will have voluntarily or involuntarily relinquished control of their physical and mental faculties and project the intense displeasure onto an object, (they see as) worthy of attack. Such objects could be a person, animal, inanimate object or an innocent bystander, any of which will receive the full measure of their wrath. And while a tongue lashing or destruction of a physical object are painful and extreme: the possibility of physical violence or mental or emotional abuse of another person present a horrific possibility of devastating damage to one or more other human beings. In such cases, the rage unleashed upon the victim may reflect back on the perpetrator serving to magnify an intensified level of rage and often proportionally increase the damage inflicted.

The passion in and of itself is not the cause of the outbursts and potential harm, it is and has the potential to be explosively destructive when the motivations are negative especially when based in Hatred. In our current real-time world, the potential for such synergistic combinations to occur should serve to shock, alarm and scare each of us, in a way, that would motivate us all to focus on eliminating the greatest threat to create such extensive negative reactions and abolish, eradicate and diffuse all instances of Hates appearance in our society, culture and species.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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