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Intolerance, Bigotry and Prejudice the Face of Evil The Covert Hater, created Reboot 30

Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred Section 1B

Intolerance, Bigotry and Prejudice the Face of Evil Reboot 30

The Covert Hater, created

… covert Haters are able to maintain an invisible network of resistance to the advancement of true equality. They continue to believe themselves superior to all others outside their identity group and communicate their position on the issue through numerous politically correct maneuvers. Their views often are aligned with a particular political party or social issue identity group's philosophy. They are reinforced in their adherence to this belief system by the larger group's ability to publicly espouse its position in the politically correct fashion. They then can publicly adopt the position of the eloquently communicated outlook of the group and not give away the true Hatred that drives their opinions. Even if they do not feel Superiority to the point of disdain for the minority group they still maintain their prejudice nonetheless.

They knowingly or unknowingly (depending on how sinister their motives may be) continue the existence of their fraternity of Haters through the use of code words. The ability to allude to an implicit opinion by use of or communication of (usually verbal) words, phrases and references that are intended to convey to the listener their position; which allows for these Haters to bypass the purpose of political correctness to make everyone respectful of others and their beliefs, yet appear to be in adherence with the policies and it's tenets.

The minority group members are able to function in a more civilized appearing society: those who seek to oppress them no longer need a swastika or stars and bars to communicate that intent. They can easily convey their membership in the "let's maintain our Dominance as the normal majority of people" mindset by making a few innocuous comments without ever giving themselves away for the Hater they continue to be. The Onus is then placed on the minority group member to either completely distrust all majority group members or learn to filter through the things they say or write to check for the presence of any code words being used to hide the true intention of what is being said or written. Thankfully through diligence and vigilance minority group members have become quite skilled and adept at identifying those seeking to convey their Hateful messages and opinions. Slowly but surely they are taking away the ability of Haters to secretly maintain their resistance to "respectful equality for all people." Even with these successes, the vast size, scope, and degree of saturation/infiltration of actual civilized society that has occurred due to the ineptly overlooked side effect of trading politeness for honesty in our interactions has taken a once easily identifiable Hater in a group of "tolerant" people and forced them to learn to successfully adapt themselves to coexist in society. Of course, the Hater has a right to earn a living but people still have right to know if their neighbor is criminally, psychopathically or semi-psychopathically, or mentally defective and present a danger to the neighborhood. A more current real-time example would be the registration of sex offenders. Granted Hatred is not illegal, the beauty of freedom is free speech allows for people to publicly display the truth about themselves.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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