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Reboot 28 The Dangers associated with Deprivation and Envy Etiam Tu: E

The Dangers associated with Deprivation and Envy from They Must Blame Someone

Group identification is a major consideration in the development of, or evolution of one's self image. The byproduct of the identifying of the members of the group is the identification of non-group members. Failure to be included often has a negative effect on the self-image of those outside the group. They question their self-worth, they over introspectively examine themselves wondering what is wrong with them. What is it they do that keeps them outside the group? (This is obviously not true for those who aren't around anyone else to include or exclude or vice versa). When those outside the group are treated unfairly and deprived of the benefits the group members enjoy, the non-group members attitudes will de-evolve to a state of anger and violence that may erupt.

And feeling that one is being deprived of something that some other is not being deprived of, (I say not being deprived of because it represents the exact nature or dynamic of the perceivers concern. It is not that the "receiver" got it, it's that the "receiver" got it when the perceiver did not get it. It is not the object, but the exclusion that was intended to be explained by use of these words) creates an emotional or attitudinal response in the perceiver that they, who are equally deserving as any of their fellow men, have either purposefully or accidentally been overlooked or excluded from the roles of those who would receive a beneficial object or privilege that others did receive. This feeling does not necessarily de-evolve to anger; however, it is often, that is to say regularly, found to be or linked to the cause of much of the Hate that exists. One question that almost always occurs to the excluded is why are they excluded. This can result in a solution to future exclusions, but there is a high degree of overall negative results from the solutions found. The importance of inclusion in any individual's personal view of self worth can have a devastating impact on the short or long-term development of the character of the perceiver.

When the perceiver or any other person feels that they have been treated unjustly or unfairly and any efforts to correct the injustice are ignored without legitimate reasons; this understandably creates emotions that often de-evolve from deprivation, injustice and frustration into violence. They are all linked to envy, that is, the person is determining their own self-worth by comparing themselves with someone who is in some fashion, as they see it, in possession of or entitled to some beneficial item or privilege. If they are deprived of possession or the right to possess, then they are envious of the possessor. If they once possessed and no longer have the right to possess, but another does have the right they are understandably envious of the other. If they once possessed and the other took the possession, they are angry at and envious of the other.

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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