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Reboot 20 EtiamTu: Eradicating Hatred Section 1A Proximal Identification limits Empathy and Indiffer

Proximal Identification limits Empathy and Indifference

Proximal Identification(Gaylin,2009) is an indisputable universal phenomenon and occurs in all of humanity, it is a part of our survival mechanism that helps direct and prioritize our physical, spiritual and emotional investments towards causes or individuals in need or in desperate situations whom we might feel compassion for, (more importantly) that we might act on in the form of efforts or dedication of resources to solve or help alleviate an inequity or suffering. Its purpose is linked to survival similar to rational indifference in that it limits us from stopping to bury each squirrel we run over or leave our jobs and join the Peace Corps's after the report of bad conditions and squalor in some remote area.

Proximal Identification (Gaylin,2009) like Group Identification limits the YOU's progression towards either extreme of Empathy or Hate. The philosopher David Hume (1738/2000) said in a Treaties on Human Nature."Pity depends in a great measure, on the contiguity and even sight of the object;..." (p.239). It is based on our likelihood to be more sympathetic towards individuals or groups we can establish some type of identity with. Most often and certainly before the development of mass media sources, our ability to have, show or react with real Empathy was limited to something familiar to us. (i.e. The teen from your neighborhood that dies in a car accident is more likely to motivate you to send flowers or take food to the grieving parents home than a similar situation on the other side of town.)

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About Etiam Tu

Etiam Tu is a Philosophy of equality, fairplay, honesty and civility. Specifically it is based on Respect, Consideration and Appreciation. It promotes fulfillment of human potential and freedom, but requires self restraint and self governance. It teaches that primal nature must be recognized as a natural influence on behavior,

but it must be controlled. It's goal is to inspire introspection,
and character adjustment: promoting honesty and forthrightness to ensure that,
every interaction or trade is equitable to all parties involved.


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